Fallout 4 Next Gen Update Review

Fallout 4: Wasteland Remastered, or a Glowing Glitch? A Next-Gen Update Review

Fallout 4's arrival on next-gen consoles in 2023 was a cause for celebration for wasteland wanderers. The chance to revisit the Commonwealth with a graphical overhaul and potential gameplay improvements was enticing. However, the update, dubbed "Wasteland Remastered," proved to be a mixed bag. Here's a deep dive into the good, the bad, and the irradiated in this Fallout 4 next-gen update review.

Fallout 4 Next Gen Update Review

A Smoother Wasteland: Performance Perks

The most significant upgrade lies in performance. Fallout 4, while beloved, was notorious for frame rate dips on last-gen consoles. Wasteland Remastered offers a choice between two graphical modes:

  • Performance Mode: This mode prioritizes frame rate, targeting a smooth 60fps at 4K resolution. It's a revelation, especially for those accustomed to the choppier experience on older consoles. Exploring the Commonwealth feels more responsive and fluid, especially during combat.

  • Quality Mode: This mode focuses on visual fidelity, offering a native 4K resolution with improved textures and lighting effects. It's a visual treat, showcasing the Commonwealth in sharper detail. However, the frame rate is capped at 30fps, which can feel sluggish after experiencing the smoothness of Performance Mode.

Aesthetics of the Apocalypse: A Visual Verdict

Wasteland Remastered boasts some graphical improvements. Textures are noticeably sharper, particularly on environmental details like buildings and foliage. Lighting effects are enhanced, with more dynamic shadows and godrays filtering through the post-nuclear haze. However, the improvements are more subtle than a complete visual overhaul. Draw distance remains a sticking point, with textures popping in and out at times. Additionally, some fans criticized the lack of a significant upgrade to character models, which still show their age.

A Bugged-Out Blitz: Technical Troubles

The update's launch was marred by technical issues. Xbox Series X users initially encountered a downgraded visual experience compared to the advertised 4K resolution. This, coupled with occasional crashes and bugs, left a sour taste for some players. While patches have addressed some of these concerns, the launch woes cast a shadow on the overall experience.

The Creation Club Conundrum: Content Controversy

Wasteland Remastered also introduced the Creation Club content – a collection of  previously paid mods – into the base game. While some appreciate the additional content, others see it as a cynical cash grab. The free content includes a settlement building kit and some new quests, but the most substantial additions remain locked behind a paywall. This approach leaves a feeling of a missed opportunity, with the potential for a more substantial content expansion.

Mods and the Next-Gen Maze: A PC Puzzlement

PC players, who often rely on extensive modding communities to enhance their Fallout 4 experience, were left with a head-scratcher. The update caused compatibility issues with some popular mods, requiring players to tinker and wait for updates from mod creators. This alienated a dedicated segment of the fanbase who felt left behind in the next-gen transition.

The Verdict: Wasteland Remastered – A Flawed Refresh

Fallout 4: Wasteland Remastered offers a mixed bag of improvements. The smoother performance on consoles, particularly in Performance Mode, is a welcome change. However, the visual upgrade is modest, and technical issues at launch tarnished the experience. The inclusion of some Creation Club content is a point of contention, and PC players face compatibility hurdles.

So, is Wasteland Remastered worth revisiting the Commonwealth?

For console players who haven't experienced Fallout 4 or haven't played it since its initial release, the smoother performance and graphical improvements make it a compelling option. However, for PC veterans with meticulously modded experiences, the update might disrupt their gameplay without offering a significant visual upgrade. Ultimately, the decision boils down to individual priorities.

The Future of the Wasteland

Wasteland Remastered offers a glimpse into the potential of revisiting beloved games on next-gen consoles. However, it also highlights the challenges of balancing graphical upgrades, performance improvements, and maintaining compatibility with existing mods and communities. Hopefully, future updates will address the technical issues and offer more substantial content for all players,  truly turning the Wasteland into a remastered experience.