How to Fix Android and iPhone Phones that Frequently Freeze or Crash in 2023

Android and iPhone Phones that Frequently Freeze or Crash

Losing important data on your Android or iPhone phone due to freezing or crashing is certainly an unpleasant experience. Especially if the data cannot be recovered.

Android and iPhone Phones that Frequently Freeze or Crash

Therefore, it is important to know how to fix Android or iPhone phones that frequently freeze or crash. Here are some tips you can do:

1. Make sure your phone has enough storage space

Full storage can cause your phone to slow down and be more prone to freezing or crashing. Therefore, make sure your phone has enough storage space to store important data.

You can delete unnecessary applications, photos, or videos to free up storage space. You can also move these data to external storage, such as microSD or cloud storage.

2. Update the operating system and applications

Operating system and application updates often include bug fixes that can cause freezing or crashing. Therefore, make sure you always update the operating system and applications on your phone.

To update the operating system, you can open the Settings application, then select the System menu. Next, select the System Update menu. If there is an update available, you can download and install it.

To update applications, you can open the Google Play Store or App Store. Next, select the My Profile menu, then select the Order History menu. Here, you will see a list of applications that are available for update.

3. Force close unresponsive applications

If an application is not responsive, you can force close the application to troubleshoot. To force close an application on Android, you can hold down the power button for a few seconds, then tap the "Close Applications" option.

To force close an application on iPhone, you can open Control Center, then tap the "Close Applications" button.

4. Delete problematic applications

If your phone frequently freezes or crashes after you open a particular application, you can delete the application. Some applications may be defective or prone to crashing.

5. Reset your phone

If you have tried all of the above steps and your phone is still frequently freezing or crashing, you can try resetting your phone. Resetting your phone will restore your phone to factory settings.

Before resetting, make sure you have backed up your important data.

6. Take it to an authorized repair service

If you have tried all of the above steps and your phone is still frequently freezing or crashing, there is a possibility that there is a problem with your phone's hardware. You can take your phone to an authorized repair service for diagnosis and repair.

Here are some additional tips to prevent your phone from freezing or crashing:

  • Use an antivirus to protect your phone from malware.
  • Avoid using your phone when the battery is low.
  • Keep your phone away from excessive heat.
  • Do not drop or hit your phone.
I hope these tips can help you fix your Android or iPhone phone that frequently freezes or crashes.